Raising Funds to Help Our Eagles Soar
Our Mission
To promote and further the interests of Edgwater High School through the provision of aid and assistance to Edgewater High School and the programs and facilities it operates.
2024 Hall of Fame – April 20, 2024
We are excited to announce that we will be honoring the 2024 Edgewater High School Hall of Fame inductees on April 20, 2024! As we celebrate our school’s legacy of excellence and the incredible accomplishments of our alumni, we invite you to participate in this prestigious event.
Thank You To Our Generous Donors Who Make This Possible
- Paul Bryan
- John McEwan
- Michael Faris
- Timothy Guinane
- Sheila Lucia
- Gloria Kiger
- Doug Laby
- Michael Zarek
- Steven VanVoorhees
- Robert Carr
- Lee Arnold
- Devin Ray
Who We Are and What We Do
Board of Directors
Our efforts include:
- Raising money for Capital Projects for Edgewater High School
- Managing the EHS Endowment Fund
- Providing grants to EHS clubs, teams, faculty, and students for projects, conferences, competitions, and development
- Being a liaison between Edgewater High School and the community
- Planning and executing the Edgewater High School Hall of Fame Celebration
- Managing scholarships granted to EHS seniors

Funded Projects
Requests for foundation gifts are submitted either in writing to a member of the board or requested by the administration throughout the school year. The Foundation Board decides which requests will be funded.
For more than four decades, the Edgewater High School Foundation has provided over $500,000 to enrich the academic and co-curricular experiences at Edgewater High School.